The closest i have come is with a previous post: ie I want a finished sheet of one column with the same number of rows but the columns from each row meged into the first cell of each row. for example, i want to be able to run the macro by selecting all rows in my worksheet, but have columns merged per row, not all rows and columns merged into one cell in teh top left of the sheet. second is to do this for individual rows, but whilst selecting multiplw rows - I mean only merge per row into one cell. I have a need to merge columns of data into one cell, with no data loss, but need two additional features: first is to comma seprate the contents of each of the merged cells once they are in the merged cell. Hi, I have a question related to this thread. Note that I still retained the WrapText property setting statement (in both of these routines). Item(2).Resize(Selection.Count - 1).Clear Item(1).Value = Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Selection), Delimiter)
Item(2).Resize(1, Selection.Count - 1).ClearĪnd, if we want to generalize the code to handle either a selection down a column or across a row automatically, then this code will do that. Item(1).Value = Join(WorksheetFunction.Index(Selection.Value, 1, 0), Delimiter) By the way, we can modify this code to handle merging across a single row instead of down a column. If this instruction is followed, then there would be no need to wrap the text. Adjust the column width so that you can fit allĬontents in one cell. here is the JoinAndMerge() macro I have written that works for pretty much all types of data.ĭecemat 3:32 reason I asked why were you setting the the WrapText property to True was because of this instruction you gave above.Ģ. Of course there is, You can write a simple macro to do this job for you.įor eg. Shouldn’t there be a better way to merge cells without losing data?!?
But Excel wont help as it cannot merge values from all cells.Ĭan you tell me how to merge rows without losing the data in the format given below.
Either for alignment or structure, we would like to merge the cell contents in to one big cell.